zaterdag 16 januari 2016


this is Jodokus...he is ready for winter with his beautiful white wintercoupe:)

woensdag 6 januari 2016

that deserves a flower....

some people really deserve a flower... we all meet people who deserve more then they get. This statue doesn't do anything , only standing in wind, sun, snow, storm and rain... maybe somebody thought that he deserved a flower because he is so faithful standing there in every kind of weather:) hope i will be sensitive enough for people that go through many difficulties and keep standing strong in that, to give them a flower or something little that their lives will be touched by...

dinsdag 5 januari 2016

friendship with animals...

the contact between animal and human can be very precious...can you imagine a world without animals...? we would miss so much joy and love..

Gaucho-Tanz von Stier Bandit als Dank!

so great how he express his freedom!

maandag 4 januari 2016

golden moments

In the morning when the sun shines on the garden, i feel always excitement in my heart... it looks so beautiful. this morning i took this photo from a hortensia..a golden wish is to find golden moments each day , to share beautiful things that gives shine on our lives... can be in things , can be in people , can be in situations... every pearl i will gather untill my treasure box is full :) or i write it on the table of my heart....